Nursing Burn Out

Heavy Burnout Factor Indicators for Nursing Home Staff


  • Loosing your cool with peers
  • Loosing your cool with subordinates
  • Loosing your cool with your superiors
  • Frequently complaining
  • Frequently bringing problems to the table without presenting resolutions
  • Verbal confrontations with co-workers
  • Inappropriate thoughts about co-workers
  • Inappropriate body language reactions
  • Finger pointing
  • Tattling
  • Blaming others
  • Experiencing emotions of despair and overwhelming responsibilities
  • Unwilling to step up and offer hand when the team is in need
  • Failure to give your peers positive reinforcement or encouragement
  • Failure to accept present global challenge for nursing post pandemic
  • Inability to identify healthy coping mechanisms to work healthier
  • Calling in or calling off – Tardy- Leaving Early





Put on your positive face

Use your positive words

Use only healthy body language

Keep your cool – Do 3-minute mental timeout when needed

Instead of complaining take action that renders a positive outcome

Speak respectfully

Bring solutions to all problems you identify

Communicate to your leaders as they are experts in letting your vent

Offer help verses tattling, blaming or finger pointing

Take time to share positive feedback to all your co-workers daily

Take care of you: Proper Rest- Hydration- Nutrition- Exercise- Leisure Activities

Be a team leader regardless of your role

Accept that we will evolve out of the Pandemic Mode in time